Horror in Turkey: police crushing living bodies with bulldozers

by Gabriele Bonafede

Turkish police of premier Erddogan has passed all limits yesterday night plunging the country in a horrific barbarism against its own people. Gasping scenes circulates in web, such as this video. We strongly recommend sensitive people not to watch this video. To see the video, click on this link:  http://www.fanpage.it/gezi-park-ruspe-distruggono-la-tendopoli-dei-manifestanti/ (from Italian web site www.fanpage.it).

Police firing in Turkey. Photo from www.thepostointernazional.it

In the first part of this video, we can see a man half-crushed by a police bulldozer amid terrible screams. The bulldozer does not stop crushing the body of the victim, despite warnings and screams from all other people around. The video shows that policmen eventually help the man to get out.

In the web circulate also news from common Turkish people denouncing use of chemical weapons against demonstrators. News has been confirmed by doctors who report burning substances fired with “water” cannons.

Yesterday, Turkish police did not stop even in front of wheel-chaired people, hitting them with water cannons and tear gas targeting heads of protesters, whether on wheelchairs or not.

The field hospital organized by demonstrators has been devastated amid yells of wounded, doctors and personnel without any respect for the patients inside and therefore committing another crime against humanity. Activists speak also about many children horribly wounded by police.

Photo from facebook group Occupy Gezi.

“Clearing” of Taksim square is taking the form of a massacre similar to that of Ralph Nelson’s movie “Soldier Blu” against native Americans. It is man-hunting where police commits crimes including homicides and rapes. Countless witnesses’ stories appear in the web reporting all kind of violence, including group-rapes from policemen to helpless women. Victims have no hope of compensation as their files would only produce further punishment from the Turkish un-functioning legal system.  In fact, Erdogan’s government has jailed scores of lawyers who “dared” to defend demonstrators.  All demonstrators are considered as “terrorists”, similarly to Nazis who considered terrorists all partisans groups during WWII.

Killed or wounded? Photo from www.greeenprophet.com

Official figures talk about 7500 wounded and five dead, but considering heavy limitations on info imposed by Turkish regime, figures might be much higher with tens of dead and tens of thousands wounded, judging also from extreme violence in circulated videos.

A few days ago, Turkish police itself reported to newspapers six suicides among policemen. It is not clear whether those suicides are real. Rumors talk about false suicides of policemen who do not want to commit crimes against humanity and might therefore be executed by police itself. In fact, from many videos it is easy to see how police sprays tear gas from a distance provoking blindness, as in this famous photo downloaded from the facebook group Occupy Gezi. And by watching the stream of videos and photos material published in the web, it is easy to imagine that many policemen refuse to commit crimes against humanity. Many policemen might well refuse to crush people with bulldozer, perpetrate rapes, shut tear gas projectiles on people’s head and so on. And in so doing, they might have been transformed in victims.

Turkey potests: blood and water. Photo from www.planetvy.com

In the meantime, the gracious queen of Europe, Angela Merkel, remains silent. Last time the “altruist” German chancellor spoke about Turkish violence on protesters was June 6th. The “philanthropic” German leader, well known in Greece and Sicily for her penchant for “solidarity” with Mediterranean people, has not talked since.

Very soft and inadequate reaction came from EU too. A condemning proposition at EU parliament was forwarded for approval from very few EPMs and has no legal binding. Few German politicians are supporting Turkish citizens’ civil rights. One of few German politcians caring for civil rights in Turkey is Claudia Roth, of German green party, who went to Istanbul and helped local citizens reporting about horrible news from Turkey


For this article in Italian language with more photos (per questo articolo in italiano con altre immagini):

Orrore in Turchia: la polizia schiaccia i manifestanti con le ruspe


La polizia turca come le SS naziste. Video, foto



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