by Gabriele Bonafede
After having seen horror images from Turkey we want to show something very different. We present who really occupied Gezi Park and Taksim square in Istanbul.
We intend to publish a series of short movies about this peaceful revolt, starting from children. This first movie, called Because I love this park shows the children living in Gezi Park with their families while drawing and painting all together. Here we see the peaceful camping atmosphere a few hours before being brutally ended two days ago amid shocking violence.
The movie, 10 minutes in all, has been realized by Yi?it Evgar, Gigi Göknur Olguner e Selen Öztürk In Turkish language with English subtitles.
We see the very same children who will be chased, frightened and wounded, together with their families by the brutal Turkish police in an attempt to suffocate freedom and civil rights.
The authors ask simple questions to children while they literally paint peace and cooperation.
Those are the same children, part of the same families, called terrorists by Erdogan, premier of the current Turkish government.
This article in Italian / Questo articolo in italiano:
Turchia: parlano i bambini scacciati da Erdogan
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